Sunday, October 24

Simply Veggie

Between my girlfriend and her health issues and my husband and his recent high blood pressure scare, it has really caused me to look at finally comitting to the steps for my own health change.

Now I know you've heard this from me a million times in the past. That's because I've always had good intent for myself but most often I think I enjoy the pity party much better because it involves food. But this time my girlfriend was so quick to change her ways. She didn't even blink twice when they told her. And it was truly scary to see my husband in such bad shape. He NEVER gets sick like this. So I knew then and there it was time.

Last night we threw a vegetarian dinner party because now the close friends we enjoy hanging with are all vegetarians. And now so was my hubby. My girlfriend has even more restrictions than all the rest and so it was a fun challenge to make something she could eat but was more than just tofu (the only dish non vegetarians think vegetarians can eat). But turns out it was much easier than I had even considered to create some good cooking. Even my meat and potatoes and whatever else you can fit on the plate eating brother ate up last nights cooking. So I know its achievable without eating just a can of green beans for breakfast, lunch, & dinner. I feel empowered to change myself. Still short stacked on the confidence but I know I have the ability. And God says, 'Be strong and courageous and do the work. Don't be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.' 1 Chronicles 28:20. How can you ignore that? How can I not get in here and just do the work? And so I went to one of my favorite restaurants ever, Leonora's: Vegetarian Mexican food and started the rest of my life...
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