THE house has been foreclosed. But it was like watching a horrific car crash unfold in front of you. All you could do was watch. Their world crumbled around them. All you wanted to do was run over and help but you knew the risk of getting too close meant it blowing up all in your face. Business partners down....
And your left with just memories of ones who wanted it with nothing. The same ones who sacrificed God for prestige and kept coming up short. Running the race like hamsters.
I shake my head because it feels like it will be a proverbial slap in the face to buy the house. What's a covetous girl to do...
"You shall not covet your neighbor's house..." Exodus 20:2-17
We had business partners whose greed got the best of them and we had to find out the hard way (losing a restaurant) to separate from that spirit. They had the most beautiful home, drove incredible cars and made limitless amounts of money. But one was taking and the other one just didn't want to face the truth. We saw it coming. Sadly. Its not what we would have wanted to hear after all this time. I imagine its only one card in a crumbled deck though.
But I won't lie, I want that house now. Its so beautiful and oddly enough, so achievable. And just way too ironic...
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