Thursday, August 25

Dem Bones

I wasn't looking forward to this day. Dem bones, dem bones, my babies little bones. broken and hurting. He screamed so loud and kept screaming. It was so difficult. The Chef didn't know whether to yell at, threaten or love him. It was so frustrating. But he wasn't letting the screaming go and so I knew something was up.  We showered and washed him up after having to walk 15 minutes back to the house in 100 degree weather. "someone get me a car! I really need a car.", Bean screamed. He wouldn't lift the arm for nothing. We prayed and then made the decision to head to the hospital. I am glad we took him. Turns out he had a broken collar bone from falling on the handles of his scooter (turned sideways). It was excruciating. He has been so quiet since. I think he has changed a little. The six year old....this is grown up stuff here and he is handling it like a young man. He even explained to the doctor what happened all by himself and he was so articulate. I am so proud of his tolerance and fortitude.

“I have said this to 
you, that in me you 
may have peace. In 
the world you have 
tribulation; but be of 
good cheer, I have 
overcome the world.” 
-John 16:33

                                        The virtue of fortitude enables one to conquer fear

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