Friday, February 10

I'm Here Late Nights through 2012

I haven't written one thought this year. 2012. February and still nothing. I was having a blog identity crisis and trying to figure out what direction I wanted to go in. I do that often. With my hair, with my "career", with my design of my living room.....with my blog. I start going and then I feel like I need a change. I dont know if its the impact I want it to have. (exhibit a: about to cut hair again. oh and definitely color, 'cause all this gray is rather annoying and making me look OLD)

So i love to reflect back often. conversations, journals, old tv shows....and so i set in to find a particular post because i had an idea. instead what I found was Last Years Resolutions and that I could made myself laugh. I was laughing so hard reading some of the things I had written before. Amazing, if i say so myself. So rather than do what I've been doing and pouting my way through life and being, what my mom used to say i was, "melodramatic" (that used to melodramatically hurt when i was 14)...i am going to just be me. I'm rather funny. and life is rather difficult. but its mine and maybe you will learn and maybe i will learn.

But to jump start this 2012 journey (before it all here is something I was amazed that came out of little ol me.

Feb 04, 2010 | I wrote a letter to God today. Really. I sent it to post on my blog but it didn't show up. I was in the middle of feeling broken by a few challenges that i've had these last few weeks. I was worn down. I told God I had made the choice to choose him over an addiction or an escape. And I believe he really took that letter for His personal collection. I thank Him for being available to me. I know its hard to choose the untouchable, the intangible, the unbelievable. But I do. And even when I start to feel broken I find the peace inside of me much quicker than I use to. The easy. Its which choice you make that involves work. And surprisingly, giving up is easy. Practicing Faith is not. But the outcome is much much sweeter. 

come back if you want, i'm here late nights and everything i say and do is ALWAYS IN LOVE.

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