Wednesday, June 29

Tiny Kitchen

Sometimes you think your life SUCKS. I've always had a best friend to show me otherwise. That all that I think is one way is really not. And most times not as bad as it seems. My best friend is Perspective. We have been together now for 15+ years. I think our relationship has grown even tighter in the last 5 years.

I view my life like I view my current kitchen. When i'm in it and cleaning it seems like there is just sooo much to do. Sometimes, I just get plain overwhelmed. Dishes, pots/pans, counters, walls, grease, cleaning out refrigerator, sweeping, and then mopping. Finally I feel done. But when I walk out of the kitchen, i remember how small it really is and I shake my head that i felt overwhelmed. Its such a tiny kitchen! that's my life. I rant and rave and feel frustrated and overwhelmed at my emotions. But then Perspective and I get together and hash out what the truth is; it's all so small in comparison.

I have a few friends who recently have been going through physical hell. Cancer, disease & surgeries. I have no capacity to understand. It seems intolerable the pain. I don't handle physical pain very well. And in fact, believe that God truly doesn't give you anything you can't handle. So I have been spared the physical trauma that I know so many have gone through or are going through. The most I've endured is childbirth and a gall bladder surgery. No broken bones, no car accidents, no cancer, no back trauma...nothing. I have suffered tremendously emotionally. It's what I can handle. Funny as it sounds, I am thankful for only having to manage emotional pain and not physical.

I pray for my friends who are (in my eyes) suffering. I know God is a great healer.
Psalm 34:19 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all."

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