Saturday, July 23

Through His Stomach

Psalm 37:18-19 "Day by day the LORD takes care of the innocent, and they will receive an inheritance that lasts forever. They will not be disgraced in hard times;
even in famine they will have more than enough."

I am soft hearted when it comes to a stranger in the streets looking for food. Not that those who ask for money receive no compassion. I let God use me as He needs me. When I feel I don't have enough for myself He tells me its enough for someone else.

A girlfriend of mine from my banker days helped me out when I was struggling with keeping balance between job and single momness. She was a single mom too. We each had one child and we worked together to make sure we got where we needed to be and where our kids needed to be. Her motto was always if she had it, I had it. If she had 10 dollars we each had 5. Neither one of us did without. She changed me with that mentality.

Homeless people, people on the streets, down and out folks...whatever you may call them, have always pulled at my heart. It feeds my feeling of unworthiness. I feel obligated to help out because there but for the grace of God go I. As I have matured though, rather than feel pity or turn my face from those begging for money, I have compassion in my heart. We are all fearful sometimes that the kindness we extend to those asking will be misused, abused or outright disrespected. And that's not just with homeless. We hope our kindness to anyone will not be in vain. So I don't hesitate when God leads me to give money even if I know the intent. But when anyone is hungry, I can never understand turning my back on that request no matter how inconvenient the timing may be.

And so today despite being stressed about having not enough money of my own; wondering how in the heck we are gonna pay car notes this month, pay for our gas bill and get food for the house...down to the last 10 in my wallet, I HAD to help the young man get a sandwich. 5 for me and 5 for you. This time I understand.

I thank God for not being in this position. I remind my kids, who see the tears, to appreciate what we have and to always help others. I understand God's work through me and He shines in glorious radiance. I understand He answers prayers I have no idea have been prayed. I understand He let's me be a representative of His Kingdom as He has sent me to do. And tonight I understand He has kept a mans belly full just as He did mine.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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